Vision, Mission, Values
Trager Canada promotes an attitude of inclusivity for all who value the work of Milton Trager, encouraging a cooperative spirit to promote the growth and expansion of his work.
The vision of Trager Canada is to foster human development, self-knowledge, harmony and interrelations through Trager Psychophysical Integration and Mentastics Movement re-education, and to support the effective evolution of the Trager community.
The mission of Trager Canada is:
to support and encourage the expanding practice of the Trager Approach and Mentastics Movement re-education in Canada;
to facilitate acceptance of the Trager Approach by the public, government, other health care professions and organizations;
to protect the integrity of the Trager Approach by establishing, maintaining, and enforcing professional standards of practice in accordance with requirements of Trager International and direction from the Instructor's Committee;
to represent Trager and its members to government, other health care professions and organizations and to ensure universal professional standards of practice are maintained;
to function as a communications centre for membership initiatives, interactions and organizational participation, and to communicate information about the Trager Approach to the public;
to maintain communication amongst peer Trager organizations regarding common theories, practices and standards of the Trager Approach; and
to create, coordinate and disseminate research relating to the theories and applications of the Trager Approach.